Lawn Mower Poker Run Supports Young Boy with Brain Disease

On Saturday, people in Humboldt gathered for the 24th annual Lawn Mower Poker Run. This event is not just for fun, it is also to help people in the community who need it. This year they helped Briggs Sieverding, a brave 3 year old boy who has Alexander Disease, a rare brain condition that makes it hard for him to move and think. Everyone showed their kindness and support for Briggs and his family during the event.

“I think it’s just great due to the fact that Matthew and Jess know a lot of these people from living here in several houses and they just can’t believe what’s happening,” said Briggs’ grandmother Rose Sieverding.

“Everyone in the community comes out. We have so many people in this community that want to help out and most of the town shows up. People from other towns show up, too. It feels amazing that we’re able to do something like this,” said committee member Grace Reynolds.

Briggs and his family couldn’t make it to the event on Saturday because they were in Philadelphia for a doctor’s appointment. However, they were able to join in briefly through a video call to be part of the special day.

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