When Should You Stop Mowing Your Lawn In The Fall?

As falls come in, it’s not only important how to plant but also it’s important to know when to stop mowing your lawn in fall. Because it affects next year how effectively the grass grows. There is another thing to know, stop mowing also depends on where you live like in the US, your local weather and your grass types. But there are some simple ways to find out, whether it’s the right time to stop mowing or not. 

Two Conditions When Should You Stop Mowing Your Lawn In The Fall

Soil Temperature is Not Ideal

To figure out the right time, first check what your grass type is, like its a cooler weather grass or summer weather grass? If you have cool season grass then stop mowing when the temperature gets down to about 45°F.if you have summer season grass, wait for the temperature to drop down to 50-55°F. Because in winter at this temperature 45°F your grass sleeps, if you keep mowing at this time, it can hurt your lawn and its roots. If you do not know exactly the soil temperature, you can use the soil thermometer. 

Your Grass Hits the First Frost

When the frost of the season hits, you will find the frozen and brittle grass in your lawn. It’s kind of a thin layer of ice. If you mow or walk on the frozen grass, then the grass blades will break from their roots, where they grow from the soil. This damage could kill some areas of your lawn and leave a bare or damaged spot on your lawn. Again in summer or spring weather you will need to repair that bare part by regrowing some new grass.

You might like to read: Proper operation of a lawn mower to protect your grass from damage.

Important Fall Mowing Practices To Mind Before Fall 

Mow Between October To November

You can mow  your lawn around October to November, because generally at this time the weather gets cooler and a bit rainer. 

Maintain The Grass Height

You can try to keep your grass height about two to two-and- half inches tall. And maintain this height until it grows. 

Use A Good Zero Lawn Mower

Use a good and efficient zero lawn mower which will help in maintaining the grass height according to your requirements. Check our detailed guide on how to choose an efficient zero lawn mower for your grass. 

For more tips and advice on selecting the best zero lawn mower, you can explore our comprehensive buyer’s guide for zero-turn lawnmowers.


Should I cut my grass really short in the fall?

No, generally it’s not recommended to cut the grass height too short in fall. If the grass is too short, the cold winter air can harm the grass very easily. So, it’s better to maintain the cutting height around 2 to 2.5 inches. This height is perfect for the grass which protects from damage, and they can easily handle the cold weather and keep the grass root strong and healthy. You can follow regular mowing which keeps your lawn healthy. 

When should you not mow?

When the grass is wet 

It’s better for you to avoid mowing on wet grass because it can make uneven cuts which makes your lawn ugly. It can clog your mower, and spread lawn diseases.so, 

During extreme heat

You can mow in early morning or late afternoon otherwise the heat will harm you and your grasses too. The heat of the day gives stress to both the grass and the person mowing.

When the lawn is frosty or frozen

If you walk and mow on frozen grass it can break the grass blades, leading to damage.

When the grass has stopped growing

In late fall or during a drought, grass growth slows down or stops. So, do not mow during these times otherwise it can harm the grass.

What is the best length to cut grass?

The best length to cut the grass is around 2 to 3 inches. This height is an ideal height because it helps the grass to stay healthy, protects from weeds. Grass easily can survive in dry conditions, so, it’s important not to cut more than one-third of the grass blade at a time to avoid stressing the grass.

When should I stop mowing my lawn for the season?
You should stop mowing your lawn when the temperature drops and grass growth slows down, typically in late fall. Keep an eye on your lawn, and when you notice it isn’t growing as quickly, it’s a sign to stop mowing and prepare for winter.

How do I know my lawn is ready to rest for winter?
Your lawn is ready to rest for winter when the grass stops growing significantly, usually after several cool nights. If you notice the growth has slowed down and your grass stays short, it’s time to let the lawn rest and focus on seasonal care like aeration and fertilization.

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